Extended lockdown could push KiwiSaver hardship claims higher
Tamsyn Parker's February 2021 report in the New Zealand Herald centres on Inland Revenue data indicating an uptick in financial hardship withdrawals in December 2020 compared with December 2019, following a trend which developed throughout 2020 as the economic effects of COVID lockdowns were felt.
Guardian Trust's chief executive Harry Koprivcic noted there was a "slight jump" in applications at various points in the year, and the Commission for Financial Capability offered advice as to how people experiencing hardship can seek free money advice and engage with their financial services provider for help.
Do you really need to access your KiwiSaver?
Diana Clement's November 2020 NZ Herald column asks readers whether they "really need" to access their KiwiSaver, and includes advice from the Commission for Financial Capability's Tom Hartmann, who explains the long-term consequences of hardship withdrawals from KiwiSaver funds and advises that it should be a last resort after other changes such as budgeting.
Guardian Trust is one of the major third-party supervisors of hardship applications, and chief executive Harry Koprivcic explains where applications typically come from and what supervisors must consider.
What you need to know about KiwiSaver
Do you know what fund your KiwiSaver is in? And why should you have a Will when you’ve got a KiwiSaver?
Our General Manager provided some input into The Herald article 10 questions you should ask yourself to make the most of your KiwiSaver.
KiwiSaver hardship claims hit high
Our General Manager talks to The Herald about a growing trend in KiwiSaver hardship applications.
The role of a supervisor
This nine-minute video provided by www.InvestEd.co.nz explains the role of a supervisor when investing.
Vanja Thomas for Guardian Trust on how to utilise your KiwiSaver
30 May 2016 | Vanja Thomas, Senior Relationship Manager, speaks to Mel of The Café, TV3.
KiwiSaver: If you're in trouble, you need proof
27 Sep 2015 | Vanja Thomas, Senior Relationship Manager, speaks to Helen of The Herald.
KiwiSaver – the tricky bits that makes us grumpy
11 July 2015 | Bryan Connor, Director of Guardian Trust, shares his insights with The Herald.